New & improved: Faster cut – Longer Life
TA 10 high density unitised discs 150mm diameter x 3mm wide to fit onto the Cibo FinitEasy fillet weld grinder or the Cibo FinitAll narrow head variable speed grinder.
Ideal working speed for the 6″ TA10 disc is between 4,000 and 6,000 rpm.
TA10 are the hardest and most aggressive of the Cibo RebelOne unitised abrasive fillet weld grinding discs & wheels, they will cut quickly through heavier tig welds and mig welds.
Even with the fast cut rate the TA10 will still leave a clean & burr free finish which can either be left as is, blended to a finer satin finish or mirror polished in 2 stages after using the TA10.